Today's is a very special birthday for a very... very special little boy, his name is Spunky, we named him after the dog from the 90's nickelodeon cartoon show called
Rocko's modern life . He's a Chinese pug and today is 2nd birthday! We decided to get him after my husband and I decided to have a dog instead of a baby and also because I needed somebody to keep me company while my husband was at work.

He came home two months after he was born, the old lady that I bough him from took all five puppies away from their mom because one of them rip one of her breast out! He was such a tiny little baby at that time that he could actually fit in my husband's palm and look at him now he's such a big boy!

How can you not love his charming little wrinkly black face? He's so cute! Every time that I see his adorable face make me want to smile. I love him to death! I don't know what I would do without him, he completes me and my husband. I hope he could spend a lot more of his birthdays with us.
Happy Birthday Spunky!